Sunny weather without any clouds.. A nice day to be at the Hortpark, henderson wave.. Mum, me, sis and bro joined my sis's company's family day.
Headed out from Yishun at 6plus and reached mum's place at 7plus.. HB working on tat day.. So he didnt join us for the walk.. Took a train down to TJ Pagar to assemble with the rest of the people/family.. Had a fast mcdonald burger and off we went to the park!

Reached the park feeling excited.. The organisers are giving out the goodie bags.. Lots of things inside and it only cost $4 per tix.. (I tink I forgot to pay la.. lolz..)

After that, we were to be divided into groups of 30 so that the group tour leader could pick us up for the tour in the Hortpark..

The one in black is out group tour leader named Betty. She is very friendly.. But 1 thing bad is that she speaks very fast and we behind couldnt hear anything she says..
We just walked behind her and see the plants ourselves instead..

This one is in a special house.. with aircon.. No wonder so pretty la..

Dunno y the roots are pointing out..

Furry furry plant..

This tree have many many many moustach lookalike plant on its branches.. very scary at night..
After the tour, we walked the southern bridge.. Very tired ah!! 2.8km.. took only 1hr to reach the top of the mount faber.. Den!! HB had to drive us down the hill.. couldnt walk anymore.. haha..
This ends our day! TIRED!!
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