CONGRATES to Pei Shan and Wei Ping for tie-ing the Knots on 6 Mar 2009!

Took a halfday leave on 6 Mar 2009 due to Darren wasnt around for 2 days 5th and 6th.. No Choice.. Have to help them out and have already promised them few months back.. Have to beg SF to help out.. But she just said a FIRM NO.. Well.. I expected it.. Ask Help from Ghazali and he is so nice to help me out.. Happily told boss abt it and I could go on a urgent halfday leave..~ Yipee~ HB came to fetch me together with Shan and her "HB" and we went to Marina Square BLISS Bridal store.. I myself would prefer Golden horse Award den BLISS.. BLISS Bridal was such a letdown.. BAD service even.. They just wanna push sales and didnt do wad they shld do.. *pui*
Anyway, they have to choice but to let them handle.. Did they make-up and hairdo for both Shan and Ping, we waitied for they fren and off together we went to the ROM. Upon reaching, Ping's mum stunned us with her words.. She forgotten her IC!! @#$%%#@! Great.. Nice timing man.. Witness didnt bring IC.. Best part liao.. They have to change the names on the cert.. Last min they just drag someone to change.. Total spending on ROM cert: $26 + $15 + $15 = $56.. Me and HB only spend : $26 + $15 = $41..
Doesnt wanna talk abt the ROM.. Everything was so un-organised.. And super duper not wad we expected..
After that, we had to acc them off to various places for photo taking.. Damn goodness.. So many ERPs and parkings.. *faint*
They only thing we enjoyed was the buffet.. The rest.. *shake head*
I was feeling too good during the buffet.. HB decided to fetch me back home, have a bath before we head back to fetch them.. Rested less den an hr, we headed to the place and have to be chased by the guard not once but twice.. Waited for them to be ready needs an hr.. Great one..
After that, home sweet home and as for them..
Nice pic by the singapore merlion~
tata.. =)
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