Had a "together" time with HB.. We went to IMM newly opened "food court" for dinner after tinking for like 2hrs..
The que in wasnt that long.. (I was the first in que to be exact..LOL)
Took a couple seat and started to look around at the menu..

I love the purple menu they provide..
Oh.. It was a taiwanese FAST food! I didnt notice it until I saw the menu..

The service was good.. They explained almost all the food they had in the menu.. But due to its quite new, (I wun say its very new as it has been operating like 2 mths back..) Some of the dishes arent available.. I was very attracted to their "Cai PO" Fried Rice.. So! I decided on that and HB doesnt wan rice since I ordered Rice, he tried the Minced Meat noodle cooked in Taiwanese Style..

After bringing the "order form" to the cashier, we were asked to pay before the food arrive..
And the food arrive in like less den 10mins!
Thumbs Up on the service!

Minced Meat noodle

My "CaiPO" Fried Rice - a lil tad too salty la..